I recently was looking for a way to run a systemd service on the last business day of the month, but I could only find an answer for first business day of every month on Stack Overflow which was wrong. So I looked into it.

Spoiler: This is not possible with one calendar expression.

If you remember only one thing from this blog post, remember systemd-analyse. There are quite a few useful subcommands, e.g. verify. You should check them out, if you do not know them yet with systemd-analyse -h.

For timers, we want systemd-analyse calendar.

First Business Day of the Month

To achieve this we can set OnCalendar twice in the timer unit, we do not need two timer units:

OnCalendar=Mon..Fri *-*-01
OnCalendar=Mon *-*-02..03
  • Mon..Fri *-*-01 will activate if the first day of the month is a business day
  • Mon *-*-02..03 will activate if the second or third day of the month is a Monday. This happens if the first was a Sunday, or if the first was a Saturday and the second was a Sunday. There is no overlap.

To verify this is true we can use (--iterations is optional but very useful):

systemd-analyze calendar 'Mon..Fri *-*-01' 'Mon *-*-02..03' --iterations 10

The output is a bit unwieldy since it treats both expressions separately and prints three versions of the iterations.

systemd-analyze calendar 'Mon..Fri *-*-01' 'Mon *-*-02..03' --iterations 10 \
    |grep Iteration |sort -k4

This works for a English locale but it will filter out the first iteration because it is listed as “Next elapse”. The get a good overview in this case it suffices.

Last Business Day of the Month

Last day is very similar to first day, but requires dates that were introduced in systemd v233. Again, we need two expressions:

OnCalendar=Mon..Fri *-*~01
OnCalendar=Fri *-*~02..03
  • Mon..Fri *-*~01 triggers if the last day of the month is a business day
  • Fri *-*~02..03 triggers if the second to last or third to last day of the month was a Friday. This happens if the weekend is on the last day of the month.

Verifying this works just the same:

systemd-analyze calendar 'Mon..Fri *-*~01' 'Fri *-*~02..03' --iterations 10

Optionally, filter and sort with the caveats from above:

systemd-analyze calendar 'Mon..Fri *-*~01' 'Fri *-*~02..03' --iterations 10 \
    |grep Iteration |sort -k4